
What Customers Hate About Logistics Services

  In these challenging times wherein our country experiences changes brought by the global pandemic and natural calamities, logistics services became more and more relevant. Whether for the purchase and delivery of materials, packaging, shipment, and transportation of goods, residents and business owners agree how a trusted logistics company in the Philippines plays a vital role. However, customers also stress that poor logistics services just propose more hassle than help. If you’re one of those logistics services providers that suffer from many complaints, read on and know what customers hate and avoid it in the future. v   Poor Handling of Packages Damaged packaging speaks of poor care for the items. It’s also worse if the items got broken in your care! To prevent this, we highly suggest you use multi-layered packaging. Treat the parcels like gifts to your loved ones. It doesn’t also cost that much to train your staff to handle those boxes with care...